? ??????????????Valentine's? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (181 Ratings)??458 Grabs Today. 16274 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Love My Friends? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (3 Ratings)??452 Grabs Today. 4658 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????Fire of BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, May 14, 2010


Talking about my preparation on examination is hectic due to there
were so many things to do so little time. Day by day passes by and I
haven't even do a single preparation on my up coming exams.
Procastination is killing me. it's going to wreck my life after I
realized there is only one month left until my exams. I do not want to
disappoint my parents. So, I recultantly sit down and wrote myself a
timetable. I followed my schedule accordingly. I wake up at 6 am and
get ready to go to school. I reached talyor's at 9 sometimes late due
to the hectic traffic jam outside talyor's. I also took the initiative
to ask the lecturer and friends to gather more data and further
understanding of what i am going to study. I went to the library to do
some printing as well as searching the net since taylors facility is
so convenient. After class, without a doubt I drove home immediately
to continue following the schedue that I made for myself thus,
politely reject my friends offer of going to movie and hanging out
together. I know my priorities which is study first. When I reached
home, I will go shower to feel more refreshing to kick start my study.
I read through the collected infomation that I gathered in college and
study until it's time for dinner. At one point of time I can feel the
momentum to go on more and more. I do not want to lose my momentum by
various distaction and temptation such as being online playing
facebook or laze around doing nothing. Overcoming those requires
determination as hiring determination is firing within me, "to be the
best among the rest". Sometimes, I even burn the midnight oil. Though
it's tough deep inside I knew it was all worth while. Well, less
frequency of going out really took a serious toll on my social life.
As now I felt like a loner being at home and no one to call me out.
Friends at college were talking about events that I missed out. I felt
left out. When I come to my sensible mind. My priority still stands as
social life I can make up for it. I've been having a lot of stress
studying alone. Studying alone is also
ineffective and unproductive. so, I've discussed with my friends to
set up a study group that is going to be held at the library every
alternate days. Studying together motivates me even more. As my
egoistic self, wanted to show to my fellow friends that I'm more
capable and realible. As they would throw me tough questions and I'm
must always be prepared to answer them correctly as I'm also very
competitive yet friendly. I would gladly helped them and not stingy
with my knowledge as I know teaching others is also a way to revise
yourself. I will follow my schedule and attend study group until I
finish my exams. That is the preparation that I've made for my


my major and me.. ( i’m the major as well)
before our perform cam whoring at band room
flute.. section practice..

Taiwan concert tour

I’m a girl who are really like music, including music playing and music listening. My ambition is be a singer, but mass communication is my second choice so that, I’m taking mass comm. Since I needed to blog twice a week so that, today I’m talking about music playing. I can’t live without music, music is a part of my life I can’t imagine what will happen if I lost music on my life.

Music is a powerful energy. To me, music is my everything, I play music at everywhere. I play music through my mouth and some music instrument. My friends told me that I’m a good singer, I am play a lot of nice and hard song through my mouth, I got a powerful and nice voice. I join singing competition every year from 8 years old. I didn’t had any lesson of singing class, I train myself since I born. I sing everywhere, like bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, car, even I am walking. Every singing competition that I joined, I’m always got the first prize.

I’m playing flute and piccolo, I was a concert band member when I was in high school. My concert band life was awesome, there were a lot of memories. Everytime when I listened some classic band some, I will miss my high school band life, it was so sweet.

Taiwan concert tour was a meaningful memories to me. Running a concert band is really killing. Taiwan concert tour was the best job that we done , this concert tour made every band member work hard together and link our relationship more close. We tried very hard to made a concert tour at Taiwan, everyone was tried very hard and tried their best to made it.

During the trip, we visit five school band there included primary school concert band, high school concert band and also the university concert band. We went to a lot of places, we tried many type of food in the Taiwan’s night market. There got many type of food and pretty girls and also handsome guys. We had a concert at Taiwan, and I had a short solo part at the concert, and now I still can remember it clearly.

There are totally a nice place, and we learnt many performance skills there. There had many great band there, they tried very hard to their performance. Practice 7 days every week, 6 hours every day. We made many friends there, after we came back to Malaysia we still chat in MSN and facebook through internet.

After I leave my high school, I still go to practice every week. Now I already study in Subang, so that I can’t go back to mu high school and practice with them so often. I’ll never give up with music. I’ll be a great player or singer……

Taylor’s lakeside campus

Ameera birthday celebration..
Js and my baby car~~( the parking space)
Computer Lab

Today is my third day I been new campus… it’s a huge college.. I like the environment.. especially the ‘lake’ (but quite dirty) … I like the foods, classroom, library, computer lab, food court, etc.

Library~~ the first comment that I wanna say is.. library is damn cool.. like winter… there got 5 level (I think )…. exam is coming~~ At the third day when I been the new campus, I had already discuss the assignments with my group member and friends at library’s discussion room for more then two times. I totally fall in love with the library, there is a nice place to me. I can do my assignment and work at there and didn’t get any disturbing. There have a lot of information and books provided.

I saw a lot of pretty girls when I was walking around the campus, not only pretty girls, here are also got a lot of handsome guy. People who are studying in the new campus are more confident and had great style then our pervious campus (LCS). The staff here are very nice, they always think about the customers first.

I met two of my primary school’s friends and three of my high school’s friends here. I was surprised, when they called my name. During the first day that I been the new campus, I walk into the food court and someone is calling my name, and I rally can’t exactly remember who was it but then she told me that she is my primary school’s friend and a I only know who is that girl. We was closest friend when we was in primary school, we always had lunch together during break time. I saw my high school friend at library, she is taking business.

The environment here are very comfortable and I really enjoy the facilities here. During classes, we can also enjoy the WIFI at the class, searching information through the internet. The parking spaces around 1000++ had provided, but not really like it ( it’s only till July ) , I think after the parking problem solved, the new campus will be more nice and comfortable. I never been the basketball court and any sports facilities ( cause I’m not a sports ‘people’ ) . I just been there for a short time but I had already many comments on my mind.

Ameera id my classmate, last Saturday was her birthday. At the first day that we after class at lakeside campus, we made a birthday surprise to Ameera. We bought a cake and make a celebration at the ‘DESSERT BAR’ (which is opposite the library). Ameera is one of my closest girlfriend in college, she is a cute girl. We didn’t order any meal or food at dessert bar, but we already took two tables at there.

Taylor’s is my new beginning…